Monday, January 25, 2010

The Hockey Spirit

Friday, January 22nd and Saturday, January 23rd, 2009
Lynah Rink, Ithaca, NY
While at Hillary's place over break, I made an excellent new hat for hockey games-- my big red bear hat.  Yes, I'm aware that it looks very silly.  I used a regular hat pattern with hairy yarn and added ears of my own invention, with the result earning me many comments.  Hillary's hat was also knit by the wearer, and in spite of being a little too classy to be next to the bear hat, is awesome nevertheless.

Our zamboni driver at the first game, wearing another amazing costume.
We played against North Dakota two nights in a row, winning the first night and losing the second.  The Friday night game, we're pretty sure they won because is was Hillary's birthday.  The second game was a bummer-- North Dakota scored within the first 20 seconds, and we were forced to play catch up through the rest of the game.  Although we scored right at the end by pulling our goalie, North Dakota ruined it by immediately scoring an open net goal with only a few seconds left to go.  But, to quote another Lynah Faithful, "look at it this way, at the end of the day, THEY still have to go back to North Dakota."  Good way to put things in perspective.

At the second game-- we had amazing seats, right on the ice.  It's impossible not to love watching the players slam into the glass right in front of your face.

Our team saluting their loyal fans-- win or lose, they do this at the end of every game, and we always stay to cheer right back.

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