Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grilling Adventures

506 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY

Here's a little peek at some of my smokey joe's adventures this semester-- it's been great to have around, and Tahra lets me keep it locked to her back porch in exchange for sharing the delicious things I grill on it.

Tada! All set up, first time out of the box. It looked a little to clean for my taste, so I thought we'd better hurry up and use it...
Inaugural first match lighting-- very exciting.

Tahra chopping veggies for one of our meals. Yes, college students CAN be healthy.
Yum... that's a lot of steak. Believe it or not, we ate it all-- nothing like a good grilling party to bring a lot of people together.

And of course, New York's first Brat Fest. After steaks and other such complicated things, I'd have to say I really appreciated how EASY brats are-- really idiot proof. Although a little skeptical (it's kind of hard to describe what exactly a brat IS), everyone really loved them. I'll have to see if they carry brats at Wegman's. Maybe in the exotic food section??

The Brat Fest was a combo birthday party for Robbie and I, so Tahra made us cookie cakes for dessert, complete with 21 candles.