Thursday, November 11, 2010

End of another Semester...

Donlon Formal
Willard Straight Memorial Room, Ithaca, NY
Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Robbie and I at the formal

With the semester wrapping up, Robbie's freshman decided to send it out with a bang. They threw a formal dance in Willard Straight, and I was lucky enough to be invited to see the festivities and blow off a little finals steam-- not to mention ignore packing for Ireland for one more day.

When it finally came down to packing time, it was tight. Like, really REALLY tight. Poor Baxter couldn't fit anywhere! And, since I absolutely couldn't leave him in the Dickson basement with all my storage stuff until August, Robbie offered to take him on a little trip to London and let me pick him up there.

Robbie took this picture after I left-- Baxter getting ready to head off for the UK! Baxter is actually a British citizen... it all makes sense now.

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