Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Uris Library
Happy, sleep deprived faces
Because pre-enroll starts so ridiculously early, and you really have to log on right when it starts to have a hope of getting your classes, it was a very sleep deprived night. But worth it, I hope.
English: Reading for Writers
This one's taught by my writing seminar professor from last semester, who I really enjoyed. It involves reading short stories and writing critical essays on them, as well as creative pieces that attempt to mimic the voice and style of the story. It's sort of a creative writing class, but more structured.
Comparative Lit: Life and Love in Two Languages
This class is about how being bilingual affects writing, and the socio-linguistic aspects of literature, which really interests me. Also, I realized after choosing this class that it's taught by someone my comlit professor from this semester suggested I would really like.
French: Intro to Textual Analysis
A starter-level course in French literature, with close analysis of French writings. I might swap this one out for a different french class that would involve analysis of literature as well as movies and other media.
Cognitive Studies: Intro to Cognitive Development
This class covers mental development throughout life. It is a good starter for the cog studies minor that I am considering, language cognition, which studies how people learn language.
Anthropology: Comparison of Cultures
This is a pretty basic level anthropology class, which would cover my cultural analysis distribution requirement. This class could easily change or be dropped altogether. I wanted to have a 5th class so that I would have the opportunity of dropping one, and my first choice was an education class, but it was full.
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