Fall Creek Gorge, Ithaca, NY
The weather has been fabulous the last few days, resulting in lots of reading taking place outside. I've been taking full advantage of Libe Slope, Cornell's flowering trees, and of course, the gorges. Forgive me if you've seen enough flowering tree pictures, but the magnolias are in full bloom now, and they look and smell amazing.
View from under the magnolias
Petals, petals everywhere
Melissa, Illika, Hillary, Tahra and I walked down into the gorge to enjoy the lovely weather. I spent a while reading (research for my comlit paper), then we just walked around through the shallow water a bit and tried not to slip on the slimy rocks. I also tried my hand at skipping stones for the first time since I was about 5 (at which time I totally failed). I actually managed to get one to bounce 3 times.
Soak it up, Ali. It looks beautiful. Enjoy every second and maybe it will help you forget the snow, sleet and rain!