Monday, September 21, 2009

Adventures in Iowa

Ames, IA
August 3rd-6th, 2009

I think only those who have driven through Iowa themselves can imagine the boredom of driving highway 20 through cornfield after cornfield by yourself.  But of course, the visit to Haley was well worth it.  (I think Haley has a secret plan to keep us in separate states on a permanent-- hence why, when I came home to Wisconsin, she decided to stay in Iowa.  Don't worry though, I thwarted her schemes.)  Also, Jack and I greatly enjoyed the bonding time-- Jack being my car, who just got his AC fixed this summer, making him officially the perfect road trip vehicle.

Yay cornfields

Haley was determined to show me that, all jokes aside, Iowa is a beautiful place.  And, although there are many, many jokes to put aside, I agree in the end.  She took me to the Ledges State Park, a lovely natural area full of creeks and rock formations.  We also took a walk around her campus and the down town area, where we had some amazing pizza.

Me, sporting my Iowa State shirt, next to one of Iowa's few vertical land features.

Sharing our love of roller coasters, Haley and I also headed to Adventure Land, and amusement park in Des Moines.  We had perfect weather and a very enjoyable day of rides and deep-fried food that fell somewhere between 6 Flags and the county fair.

Haley with the Tornado, a classic wooden roller coaster

Me with Petunia the Pig, a pork sandwich stand

Of course, being horsey girls at heart, we couldn't resist the carousel.

We (but mostly Haley) got a little wet on the log ride

Enjoying and ice cream treat-- chocolate, of course

Haley, just after shoving the last 3 inches of ice cream cone in her mouth at once.

Our favorite ride of the day.  And yes, we did ride it with a lot of small children.

The ferris wheel, our last ride for the day


  1. Yay! I love being famous!!
    btw how do you have any time to do all of this? Aren't you swamped, I know I am!

  2. Yes. Swamped indeed. But sometimes you just need a break from French poetry.
