Monday, September 21, 2009

Miscellaneous Summer Fun

Madison, Mineral Point, and Hixton WI

Here's just a few snapshots from my summer back in the dairy state.
Fourth of July at the Jones Mansion-- the family photo that also served as a workout for my mom, who had to click the button on the camera outside, then bound up the steps to get to the upstairs porch.
Mineral Point's Fourth of July run/walk, "Get the Lead Out."  Yes, nearly half the town participated.

Learning to grill was one of my summer projects-- I progressed from brats, to veggie kabobs, to chicken, to steaks.  If only I had a grill out in Ithaca now.

Another summer project-- my bandana quilt.  During my years at the barn, I racked up an impressive collection of bandanas, so I put them to good use in a picnic quilt.  I cut each in quarters and scrambled the colors, then made the backing and the edging out of denim for durability in many picnics to come.

I just really like this picture.  My brother and I have always commented on this tree, which is very striking on the horizon as we drive to the cabin, and I just thought I would snap a picture of it on my way by.

Summer's not complete without the Dane County Fair-- Tori and Spring back at the trailer

Cowboy's little siblings, Spice with Jayme and Stetson with Heidi, all dressed up in their western gear

Saying goodbye to the good old van before donating it to Rawhide.  It served us well for many, many years.

Camping in Hixton, for the blueberry picking season

It rained a lot.

Solution to the rain-- hammock and tarp, the perfect set up.

My new quilt got to enjoy the hammock as well.

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