Queens, NY, and Manhattan, NY
Friday, October 8th- Monday, October 11th, 2010
This year was the first time I left Cornell for Fall Break-- on a little trip to New York City. Robbie's parents came in from London (with a lucky break connected to his dad's business trip) to celebrate his 21st birthday with him. They invited me, Link, Tahra, Melissa, Dan, and Illika out for a very snazzy dinner on the town for Robbie's 21st birthday, and we all decided to make a weekend of it, complete with shopping and sight-seeing.
After long internal debate, I decided to bring my new *very fancy* camera, a birthday/christmas gift from my aunt and grandparents to New York with me. I was really worried about taking it somewhere with such a high risk of theft/damage, but I came to the conclusion that someday, I want amazing travel pictures of all the exotic locations I hope to visit, and that means that someday, this camera will have to be in risky situations, so why not start now and get some use out of it? I was really glad I brought it (especially since it returned safe and sound), and I was blown away by the photo quality.
So, rather than compress the pictures to post them here, I put all the pictures taken with the SLR on flickr. Sorry to make you do the extra leg work, but its really worth it to see the bigger pictures. Everything below was taken with my digital (or by friends, since sometimes I was busy with my fancy camera), and comes with the complete story. The flickr page is pretty much just the pictures.
Click here for the flickr page
Friday, October 8th, 2010
Melissa and I took the bus down together on Friday, meeting up with Tahra (who hitched a ride) and Illika (coming in from Washington, DC, where she's studying for the semester) that night to share a hotel. We really liked the sign in the Port Authority bus depot telling us to respect the escalator-- I particularly enjoy the picture that tells you not to ride the escalator on your back, while throwing your suitcase in the air.
When you travel as a poor college student, sometimes it means getting cozy-- the four of us shared a room in a Quality Inn in Queens with one king sized bed. It was actually a lot roomier than I thought it would be.
...Of course, it was a LOT roomier if you had it to your self, as Illika is demonstrating.
Saturday, October 9th, 2010
(Robbie's Birthday)
Saturday morning, we snagged ourselves a continental breakfast and made our way uptown to meet the boys who, courtesy of a birthday gift from Robbie's parents, got to stay in the Four Seasons on Union Square. Not quite the poor college student digs for them. We shopped around Manhattan, including the largest DSW I have ever seen (...the boys went for coffee for that part).
Me in the subway on our way uptown, trying to get a picture with my fancy camera. Yes, I am aware of how ridiculous I look.
Tahra, Robbie, and Dan rocking their sunglasses in the Forever 21
We headed back to the hotel early to get primped for dinner that night. It was quite the process, including an amusing episode that required using my tree climbing knife (which was packed in the backpack I brought that weekend without me remembering it, and was the only cutting implement we had) to cut the bottom of Melissa's slip off, since it hung below her dress.
Melissa, taking a knife to her slip. It certainly made for an odd scene.
Illika's hair, in a very complicated French braid-bun-invention. It turned out lovely, and even lasted through the night.
Everyone's outfits came together beautifully, though, and we were only the slightest bit behind schedule when we left. Too bad the subway was much more behind. Our train didn't arrive for 35 minutes past when it was supposed to, and we finally gave up and went to hail a cab.
The beautiful sunset over Manhattan that we got to watch as we waited for our train to NOT arrive.
Even the cab seemed to be taking forever, and by the time we arrived at the Four Seasons, where we were supposed to have pre-dinner drinks, it was just about time to leave for the restaurant. Ah well, no harm done, since we didn't end up late for our reservation at the 21 Club-- a very snazzy restaurant where Humphrey Bogart once had a regular table and George Clooney often goes for drinks. I kept my eyes open for Mr. Clooney, but we didn't see him.
Robbie and I having a drink while we waited for our table to be ready
After dinner, we couldn't quite decide what to do late at night in NYC (not being the clubbing sort), so... to the 24 hour Apple store!
We were perhaps a little over dressed for the Apple store...
A fountain outside the store. Illika kept telling me to pose, but I'm not exactly the modeling type.
Robbie and I, walking around town
The guys
The ladies (minus Tahra, who had to depart to stay with family in New Jersey)
Robbie gave me a pair of the Four Seasons slippers to take back to the ladies' humble abode in Queens-- the boys felt a little bad about all their swag. They even had a remote control for their curtains.
Sunday, October 10th, 2010
The next day, after heading uptown and catching breakfast at a cafe, Illika, Melissa and I met up with Robbie, Link, and Dan to wander our way through Central Park and visit the American Museum of Natural History.
Walking through central park (I credit this and the following pictures to Melissa-- I was taking pictures with my fancy camera, and like I said, I can't post those pics here)
Me and my camera-- I kind of look like I'm trying to catch a cheating husband or something...
The skyscrapers made an interesting backdrop for all the trees and greenery
At the museum, our first stop was the planetarium for a fabulous show on the origins of the stars, narrated by Whoopi Goldberg. Afterwords, we walked around the Hayden sphere, and wandered through some of the other exhibits before heading out for dinner.
The Hayden Sphere at the Natural History Museum. The planetarium show took place inside the sphere, and the planet walk wrapped around the outside.
Monday, October 11th, 2010
We didn't have a lot of time on the last day. Dan had left the night before for a conference in California, and we parted ways with Link before lunch, since he had to get back to Ithaca early for work. That left Illika, Melissa, Robbie and I to split up for lunch-- Illika and Melissa both had friends they wanted to meet up with in the city, and Robbie and I had plans to eat with his parents.
Robbie and I got stuck on the wrong side of the Columbus Day parade when we were on our way to lunch. We were a little late, but I think his parents forgave us.
Melissa, Robbie, and I had a little time to kill before catching the bus, so we hit the bookstore and FAO Schwarz. They wouldn't let us play on the giant piano, since we're too old, but it was fun to see anyways.
Legoland in FAO Schwarz
After that, it was on to the Port Authority bus depot and back home to Ithaca-- our very delayed bus made us arrive past midnight and quite ready to collapse into bed.